3D Modeling


 Here is my original character "Waffle" in 3D.  She is put in a T-pose so that she can be rigged and animated someday.  Hope to make lots of mini animations of her soon!

My midterm project for my last modeling class... It kind of saddens me TT,TT I actually enjoy modeling now which is a bit hard to believe.  Maybe if I have time I'll "seat in" some of the classes for practice.
This is modeled after the character Minnie.  The reference pic is by BleedMan! Amazing artist and has an amazing style! You can find him at these links: 
Approximate time: 20-30 hours
Programs used: Autodesk Maya and Mudbox

Here's some different shots of my head model of Noodle! 

Used Maya and Mudbox to create ths character! Guess who it is. :P
It took about 30 hours to do... I know the lighting is a bit crappy but I still need to learn how to work with the different types of lights.  The picture below is my reference.  I did not create the character!  It belongs to Jamie Hewlett! (An amazing artist btw!)